Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rescue service approved night vision goggles

The Hunter's Rescue Helicopter Service is hoping the state's Ambulance Service will give approval for crew members to use night vision goggles (NVG) on its three aircraft.

The two organizations will meet this morning to discuss the use of technology.

After evaluating
night vision goggles the spectacle of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) approves the use of rescue helicopters - has, they fly at night and allows given during poor visibility.

The Health Services Union (HSU) has criticized the rescue sit on the paperwork, but the helicopter service CEO Richard Jones is confident he will now receive the license.

"We were very disappointed to not get the approval for the Christmas Eve ... but we asked to take a step back for now," he said.

"NVP is part of a reform package that the ambulance in what I said is laid, and we hope for a resolution on this subject have."

Mr Jones said the technology improves the efficiency and safety of aircraft and crews are already fully trained.

"All configerations and work for helicopter cockpits was finished, he said.

"The chief pilot said, is that Pete is probably the most advanced security in its 30 years in the aviation industry.

"The rest of our boys are the same and chewing at the bit to move forward."

Friday, July 16, 2010

How to maintain Night Vision Equipments

night vision goggle, night vision aviator goggle and is an optical instrument that produces images of the amount of focusing of light from the darkness. The most commonly used by the military and police, but is available for general public as well. The term generally refers to a complete unit, including an image intensifier tube, a protective and generally hydrophobic, and some type of mounting system. NVDS glasses too, IR illuminators, and telescopic lenses.

Night vision goggles use the imaging unit, which has the ability to identify sources of visible light and infrared and improved to provide visible images, which can be seen even in total darkness. Today is a very high level of variety available, which are really effective and can also detect the person standing over 200 meters in total darkness.

They come in different sizes and generations. Generation used to refer to the superiority and the U.S. Army currently uses the fourth generation version is superior to most everyone. Prices for night vision goggles also vary considerably depending on its quality. You can buy one for only a few hundred dollars, or costing more than five thousand dollars.

Night vision devices are common in the world with a series of military and commercial businesses, including security and Outdoors police response. They are particularly useful for salvation operations by helicopter, like night vision equipment according to aircraft pilots, and nurses, doctors and emergency personnel have no other means of light interferes with the functioning of view of the pilot.

night vision goggles are able to select all the light in the immediate area where the person using them and then expand the light of several through the use of fluoroscope. There are also some who use both technologies.

It is generally used while journalists reporting from a war zone and the images seen on the TV have a green tint to it. It is only because of green is used in most night vision devices because the human eye is very sensitive & is able to anticipate things more clearly when it comes in different shades of green. More green eyes aid helps the user to adjust quickly when the glasses were removed compared to other colors that have been tried.

Second types are active vision googles. They project an infrared & then produce an image of the user’s eye because of light reflected back.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Night vision goggles | Getting your own night vision goggles

Night vision goggles are one way to make you see images clearly when you are in total darkness. These goggles are usually used by law enforcement officers and military officers. But night vision goggles are also available to the public now.

Military night vision goggles are made of an image intensifier tube, water proof time and a mounting mechanism. The infrared band detects ambient light which reflects on the area being viewed. A powerful electric field then pulls the electrons towards the screen which makes the phosphor screen produce the bright images.

Night vision goggles were first used during World War II and were used mostly in the Vietnam War. Seeing how effective they are, the field of law enforcement also found their way in using them for their profession for rescue and surveillance purposes.

The use of military night vision goggles are regulated by law when it comes to certain countries. Be sure to read on the laws when it comes to the uses of these night vision devices. There are some types and classes of night vision goggles that are only allowed for military use. Civilians are only allowed to use a lower class of these night vision goggles.

night vision goggles | advantages of having one

Night vision goggles are very useful in certain conditions. You should be informed that night vision goggles doesn’t give a brighter view of darkened objects around you, although there are some unit that operates compared to other in time for low light. When looking through night vision goggles, all you can get is green images. Why is that so? It is because green color is more susceptible to human eye than any other color.

Military night vision and any other night vision goggles are utilizing two types of technology which are infrared and thermal imaging. Infrared works by gathering tiny bits of lights and amplify them together. Meanwhile, another technology which is the thermal imaging is based on heat. Meaning a warmer object is more cleared than cold objects. Military night vision can also be classified through different level of technology- first, second, third and fourth. The higher the generation levels increased of quality you will also get. Military night vision has third vision generation, while for hobbyist second level generation night vision goggles are already suitable.

Although night vision goggles are really manufactured for military, but they are perfect too for people to use for watching wildlife at night, or camping in wilderness and hiking during night time.