Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rescue service approved night vision goggles

The Hunter's Rescue Helicopter Service is hoping the state's Ambulance Service will give approval for crew members to use night vision goggles (NVG) on its three aircraft.

The two organizations will meet this morning to discuss the use of technology.

After evaluating
night vision goggles the spectacle of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) approves the use of rescue helicopters - has, they fly at night and allows given during poor visibility.

The Health Services Union (HSU) has criticized the rescue sit on the paperwork, but the helicopter service CEO Richard Jones is confident he will now receive the license.

"We were very disappointed to not get the approval for the Christmas Eve ... but we asked to take a step back for now," he said.

"NVP is part of a reform package that the ambulance in what I said is laid, and we hope for a resolution on this subject have."

Mr Jones said the technology improves the efficiency and safety of aircraft and crews are already fully trained.

"All configerations and work for helicopter cockpits was finished, he said.

"The chief pilot said, is that Pete is probably the most advanced security in its 30 years in the aviation industry.

"The rest of our boys are the same and chewing at the bit to move forward."